
The Impact to 2020 Tokyo Olympics

     I have been writing some environmental issue about 2020 Tokyo Olympics such as, Contaminated Water at Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. On 11 March 2011, Japan got serious damage. Also an earthquake and Tsunami had impact to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Therefore, these disasters have impact to 2020 Tokyo Olympics. It worries for athletes and spectators at 2020 Tokyo Olympics. The Contaminated water is still big problem.  This case is similar to two most significant nuclear accidents, Three Mile Island in 1979 and Chernobyl in 1986 (JOURNALIST’S RESOURCE, 2013). As a result, Japanese tourism industry got serious damage and Impact on 2020 Tokyo Olympics.


     In addition, there are some problems in Japan such as, food safety and higher temperatures. These problems are very impact to 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Food safety is that Fukushima is very famous for the fish caught off its coast (JOURNALIST’S RESOURCE, 2013).  However, Fukushima still has the nuclear accident and releases of radioactive water into the ocean (JOURNALIST’S RESOURCE, 2013).  On the other hand, Tokyo has higher temperatures problem. Some media are worried about how the higher heat temperature will affect athletes and spectators. The Japan Sports Association (JASA) expected to the temperatures will be exceeded levels and JASA recommends calling off athletic activities (Mainichi Japan, 2013). These environmental issues are very serious problems.

                                              Personal Reflection
     I have been writing 6 entries about environmental issue in Tokyo Olympic 2020. I did not know a lot of things about environmental issue in Japan. I am now in Canada but I thought I have to know my home country problems. Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games at 2020 so Japanese people and some foreign people will be busy to recovery in Japan. Also many famous people are helping to Japan after these disasters happen. I think it is the best way to promote Japan. Finally, I will try to succeed 2020 Tokyo Olympic and I really hope that these environmental issue are resolved.

New National Stadium for Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics



Speech of Japanese Prime Minister IOC and Some Media

     In 2020, Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games, but some media have a lot of different opinion about Speech of Japanese Prime Minister IOC. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said “Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you, the situation is under control” (Mainichi Japan, 2013).Finally he presented about “It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). However, some media said that Japanese Prime Minister did lie to get the Olympics. The contaminated water has been contained to leak at Fukushima. Also some Japanese media were declared the contaminated water is leaking into the ocean every day (INTERNATIONAL POLICY DIGEST, 2012). Therefore, some media say that the contaminated water will not stop to leak so it is not safety.  

     On the other hand, some media have some good opinions. Japanese Prime Minister said to some media about "I explained about the water contamination in Fukushima and explained that the contaminated water was blocked” (REUTERS, 2013). Also he said that "Yes please come to Japan. You can be assured” (REUTERS, 2013). Some Media expect that Japanese people try to recover at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.They believe about Speech of Japanese Prime Minister. Also Japanese Prime Minister said that we are planning to build New Stadium for 2020 Tokyo Olympic so some media are really looking forward to building new stadium. 

                   Personal reflection

     My opinion is that I believe Japanese Prime Minister did not lie to get Olympics. Japanese people are really trying to recover that serious. On the other hand, I really sad about some media are unsparing opinions. Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is still huge problem. Some media say that Japan is dangerous so Olympic should change another country. However, Japanese Prime Minister promises us so I want to believe that. Next blog, I would like to focus on Tokyo Olympic in 2020 and some effects.


International Olympic Committee (IOC) Meetings and Speech by Japanese Prime Minister


      In 2020, Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games. Japanese prime minister and some Japanese people made speeches at International Olympic Committee (IOC) Meetings. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said “It would be a tremendous honor for us to host the Games in 2020 in Tokyo, one of the safest cities in the world, now... and in 2020” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). Also he said “Japan made a volunteer organization and began spreading the message of sports far and wide” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). Besides, a Japanese woman described we will welcome you with what we call “OMOTENASHI”. She said “it means a spirit of selfless hospitality” (Mainichi Japan, 2013).


     In Japan, there are some big problems such as contaminated water. Contaminated water still leaks at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. However, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made speech about Fukushima at IOC meetings. He said “Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you, the situation is under control” (Mainichi Japan, 2013).Finally he presented about “It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games after Japanese Prime Minister made speech.
          Speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at IOC Meeting

                      Personal reflection
     I was glad and very surprised about Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games in 2020. Some International people said congratulation for me. I was so happy but at the same time, I was worried about Fukushima. Fukushima still has some disaster such as contaminated water. However, when I listened about speech by Japanese Prime Minister, I calmed down. Japanese people struggle to recover from the devastation wrought by the earthquake. I really want to help to recover by the earthquake and Tsunami. Next blog, I would like to focus on opinion of foreign media and some expert about speech of Japanese Prime Minister at IOC meetings.



The Impact to Japanese Industry and Human Health

     In 11 March 2011, Japanese tourism industry got serious damage because of an earthquake and Tsunami. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) said that foreign visitor numbers were 36% lower in June and July. Foreign visitor arrivals in April 2011 were 62% lower than in April 2010. This numbers are lower than for the same period last year (BBC NEWS, 2011). Also tourism levels have decrease around 60 % (CAPA Centre for Aviation, 2013). For 2011, foreign visitor arrivals are expected to be around 25% lower than in 2010 (THE WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL, 2011).


     In addition, the radioactive water leak from Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. It is huge problem for people because the contaminated water might be a source of concern for human health. For example, if people eat contaminated fish, they will get some problem. The TechMedia Network said that fish caught near Fukushima have been tested. The result is that fish has high levels of radioactive cesium (TechMedia Network, 2013). Therefore, contaminated fish are not sold in Japan.


                                      Personal Reflection

     These dates was really surprised me because the impact to Japanese tourism industry is continued. For 2 years passed from an earthquake and Tsunami, some International people still ask me about these disasters. Also, the news companies are still reporting the reduction of tourists to Tohoku region in some country. Therefore, the radioactive water is big problems for many countries. When I came back to Japan, I was surprised about supermarket. Some Fish’s cost is expensive because of radioactive water. Now a day, cost will be back. Next Blog, I would like to write about future counter plans by Japanese Prime Minister.




Contaminated Water and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

     On 11 March 2011, Japan got serious damage. Also an earthquake and Tsunami had impact to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. In 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake, Turbine building area was damaged and also it has been spilling highly contaminated water (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013). The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s turbine buildings are close to ocean about 150 metres (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013). The contaminated water is spreading toward the sea about four meters each month (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013).These images show ” how the number of water storage tanks has increased in the past two years”  (BBC NEWS, 2013).

     After an earthquake and Tsunami and recent months, Fukushima has been hit by a series of contaminated water leaks.  The BBC News shows impact to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and it has some Previous Fukushima problems.  In October 3, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said radioactive water leak it (BBC NEWS, 2013). In October 7, some plant workers accidentally turn off to pumps (BBC NEWS, 2013). In August 20, Tepco said radioactive water was leaked from a storage tank about 300 tonnes (BBC NEWS, 2013).  In July, Tepco said radioactive water is going into the sea (BBC NEWS, 2013).Tepco announced some serious problems that Japanese people and foreign country were all surprised with that.
  Personal reflect
     I was really surprised these problems because I did not know these serious problems at Fukushima. Also a lot of friends asked me about contaminated water problem and nuclear problem.  In 2020, Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games. However, foreign   people still do not agree with 2020 Tokyo Olympic. I think Japan still has contaminated water problem and nuclear problem so they do not agree with that. Therefore, Japanese people and I try to make a full recovery from an earthquake and Tsunami. I would like to focus on  Influence of contaminated water .


The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Issue

On March 11, the most powerful earthquake was hit in Japan. Also the earthquake was occurred Tsunami. This earthquake caused of Tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear disaster. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed many houses and buildings. About 28,000 people, some foreign citizens were dead or missed by earthquake and tsunami (Japan's Road to Recovery and Rebirth, 2011). The epicenter was about 70 km east of Tohoku and Sendai in Miyagi was very closest large city (Snow Japan).

The Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011. As a result, the radiation began leaking from Fukushima nuclear power plant. Also Fukushima nuclear plant is leaking 430 liters of contaminated water (NBCNews.com, 2013). From Fukushima nuclear power plant over 6,700 times more radioactive than legal limit spills out (NBCNews.com, 2013). After the earthquake and tsunami, 300,000 people were forced to evacuate or left their homes by radiation (NBCNews.com, 2013). Japan is still recovering from the earthquake and Tsunami.

                 Personal reflect

Natural disasters are very scary and fearful.When earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan, I was in Canada. I could not believe about earthquake and tsunami. My hometown is Niigata. Niigata is close to Fukushima so I was very nervous about my family, friends and something. Then I talked to my family and friends and they told me that earthquake and Tsunami were very scary and serious. Therefore, Japan got earthquake and Tsunami so in Japan, tourism industry was damaged. Finally, I will focus on the tourism industry about Environmental issue in Tokyo Olympic 2020.