
International Olympic Committee (IOC) Meetings and Speech by Japanese Prime Minister


      In 2020, Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games. Japanese prime minister and some Japanese people made speeches at International Olympic Committee (IOC) Meetings. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said “It would be a tremendous honor for us to host the Games in 2020 in Tokyo, one of the safest cities in the world, now... and in 2020” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). Also he said “Japan made a volunteer organization and began spreading the message of sports far and wide” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). Besides, a Japanese woman described we will welcome you with what we call “OMOTENASHI”. She said “it means a spirit of selfless hospitality” (Mainichi Japan, 2013).


     In Japan, there are some big problems such as contaminated water. Contaminated water still leaks at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. However, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe made speech about Fukushima at IOC meetings. He said “Some may have concerns about Fukushima. Let me assure you, the situation is under control” (Mainichi Japan, 2013).Finally he presented about “It has never done and will never do any damage to Tokyo” (Mainichi Japan, 2013). Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games after Japanese Prime Minister made speech.
          Speech by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at IOC Meeting

                      Personal reflection
     I was glad and very surprised about Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games in 2020. Some International people said congratulation for me. I was so happy but at the same time, I was worried about Fukushima. Fukushima still has some disaster such as contaminated water. However, when I listened about speech by Japanese Prime Minister, I calmed down. Japanese people struggle to recover from the devastation wrought by the earthquake. I really want to help to recover by the earthquake and Tsunami. Next blog, I would like to focus on opinion of foreign media and some expert about speech of Japanese Prime Minister at IOC meetings.


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