
Contaminated Water and Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant

     On 11 March 2011, Japan got serious damage. Also an earthquake and Tsunami had impact to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. In 2011 the Great East Japan Earthquake, Turbine building area was damaged and also it has been spilling highly contaminated water (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013). The Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant’s turbine buildings are close to ocean about 150 metres (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013). The contaminated water is spreading toward the sea about four meters each month (The Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2013).These images show ” how the number of water storage tanks has increased in the past two years”  (BBC NEWS, 2013).

     After an earthquake and Tsunami and recent months, Fukushima has been hit by a series of contaminated water leaks.  The BBC News shows impact to Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant and it has some Previous Fukushima problems.  In October 3, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco) said radioactive water leak it (BBC NEWS, 2013). In October 7, some plant workers accidentally turn off to pumps (BBC NEWS, 2013). In August 20, Tepco said radioactive water was leaked from a storage tank about 300 tonnes (BBC NEWS, 2013).  In July, Tepco said radioactive water is going into the sea (BBC NEWS, 2013).Tepco announced some serious problems that Japanese people and foreign country were all surprised with that.
  Personal reflect
     I was really surprised these problems because I did not know these serious problems at Fukushima. Also a lot of friends asked me about contaminated water problem and nuclear problem.  In 2020, Tokyo has been elected to host the Olympic Games. However, foreign   people still do not agree with 2020 Tokyo Olympic. I think Japan still has contaminated water problem and nuclear problem so they do not agree with that. Therefore, Japanese people and I try to make a full recovery from an earthquake and Tsunami. I would like to focus on  Influence of contaminated water .

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