
The Great East Japan Earthquake and Nuclear Issue

On March 11, the most powerful earthquake was hit in Japan. Also the earthquake was occurred Tsunami. This earthquake caused of Tsunami, and Fukushima nuclear disaster. The earthquake and tsunami destroyed many houses and buildings. About 28,000 people, some foreign citizens were dead or missed by earthquake and tsunami (Japan's Road to Recovery and Rebirth, 2011). The epicenter was about 70 km east of Tohoku and Sendai in Miyagi was very closest large city (Snow Japan).

The Fukushima nuclear power plant was damaged by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake on 11 March 2011. As a result, the radiation began leaking from Fukushima nuclear power plant. Also Fukushima nuclear plant is leaking 430 liters of contaminated water (NBCNews.com, 2013). From Fukushima nuclear power plant over 6,700 times more radioactive than legal limit spills out (NBCNews.com, 2013). After the earthquake and tsunami, 300,000 people were forced to evacuate or left their homes by radiation (NBCNews.com, 2013). Japan is still recovering from the earthquake and Tsunami.

                 Personal reflect

Natural disasters are very scary and fearful.When earthquake and Tsunami happened in Japan, I was in Canada. I could not believe about earthquake and tsunami. My hometown is Niigata. Niigata is close to Fukushima so I was very nervous about my family, friends and something. Then I talked to my family and friends and they told me that earthquake and Tsunami were very scary and serious. Therefore, Japan got earthquake and Tsunami so in Japan, tourism industry was damaged. Finally, I will focus on the tourism industry about Environmental issue in Tokyo Olympic 2020.

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