
The Impact to Japanese Industry and Human Health

     In 11 March 2011, Japanese tourism industry got serious damage because of an earthquake and Tsunami. The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) said that foreign visitor numbers were 36% lower in June and July. Foreign visitor arrivals in April 2011 were 62% lower than in April 2010. This numbers are lower than for the same period last year (BBC NEWS, 2011). Also tourism levels have decrease around 60 % (CAPA Centre for Aviation, 2013). For 2011, foreign visitor arrivals are expected to be around 25% lower than in 2010 (THE WORLD TRAVEL & TOURISM COUNCIL, 2011).


     In addition, the radioactive water leak from Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan. It is huge problem for people because the contaminated water might be a source of concern for human health. For example, if people eat contaminated fish, they will get some problem. The TechMedia Network said that fish caught near Fukushima have been tested. The result is that fish has high levels of radioactive cesium (TechMedia Network, 2013). Therefore, contaminated fish are not sold in Japan.


                                      Personal Reflection

     These dates was really surprised me because the impact to Japanese tourism industry is continued. For 2 years passed from an earthquake and Tsunami, some International people still ask me about these disasters. Also, the news companies are still reporting the reduction of tourists to Tohoku region in some country. Therefore, the radioactive water is big problems for many countries. When I came back to Japan, I was surprised about supermarket. Some Fish’s cost is expensive because of radioactive water. Now a day, cost will be back. Next Blog, I would like to write about future counter plans by Japanese Prime Minister.



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